Hi! Welcome to my personal blog.

This is a couple of things, you might need to know about me.

Brief history of mine

After high school I started to study in Civil Engineering at Eskişehir Osmangazi University. I have started my career as a site chief. After two years, I have got a big promotion and I became assistant project manager. Everything was great about my career but I was not happy. I realize that this is not a job that I can work for my entire life with passion and happiness. I have been studying programming since I was a teenager, that unprofessional interest build up in years and it became a passion. So I have started to study Computer Science at Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey). After the first year I dropped out and I have started to study at The International Computer Institute in Ege University (Turkey) for my masters degree.

I am working as a Backend engineer/architect. I love to work on network and service design but My long-term dream is to do research and development on processor architecture with a professional and highly qualified team.


I started to learn programming with Pascal in 2005 at my high school. To be honest I really do not remember most of it. since then I am coding…

Programming Languages -in chronic order-

  • Java: I was using java to build desktop and mobile applications. I wrote my graduation project with java it was a computation and simulation program for isostatic system analysis. It has an interface that you can draw a system using touch pad, apply the forces and It calculates the deflection and inner stress of the system. Also I wrote a ton of engineering calculation programs to ease my workload. It was my main programming language over 3 or 4 years.

  • Python: I was using python for data visualization, data cleaning, machine learning and Deep learning (mostly CNN). I still have basic understanding about those concepts.Numpy, Pandas, Keras and sklearn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Tensorflow.

  • C, C++ and C#: C++ is one of my favorite programming languages. I am using C and C++ programs that require heavy calculation such as my traveler salesman problem sub-minimal methods ( cpp source is not there but you can check out other methods of mine it was written in python tsp) and embedded system programming. And when I tired or bored from serious stuff I am using C# to game programming with unity :). Also I have work on a project in my former company to create an e-commerce project. I had the opportunity to work on a microservice system with ASP.NET and .NET CORE. I have wrote 2 3 services with C#. There is a simple (and mostly not satisfying) assignment/project written in .NET core that you can check out here.

  • Assembly [NASM]: All about curiosity.. I am try to learn assembly language since 4 years on and off. I think I have grasp the basics of assembly. I love the write code in assembly it so challenging and rewarding experience. Trying to write some of the Standard C libraries in assembly you can check out my progress in here

  • Go: This is the programming language that I am current -and fully- working on. I’m working on network programming, micro service architecture and developer tools. Almost all of my go projects are in my github account. Some of my projects below.

    • surreal : is a command-line program designed to provide a communication interface for USB UART or RS232 serial devices. It offers essential functionality to connect, configure, and communicate with serial devices from your command line. Surreal Terminal offers key features such as on-the-fly communication configuration changes and output mode selection, makes it valuable tool.

    • termium : is a command line interface package that enables you to create panel-based applications with built-in command-line interaction capabilities.

    • wsftp : is a local network instant messaging and file transfer program. It uses TCP/IP, UDP and websocket protocols to communicate each other.

    • jin : Jin is a JSON parser/interpreter tool it has advance manipulation functions and I am still working on it for adding new things. By the way it is the fastest JSON parser package that almost zero memory usage with most of functions. Only needs build-in packages.

    There are much bigger projects that I have been working on or That I have finished. But all of my work projects are close source so I would love to take part in an open source project.

And those are the programming languages that I can write/read code, but not as good as above. JavaScript, Bash Script


  • AWS
    • EC2
    • S3
    • elasticache
    • dynamoDB
    • documentDB
    • Lambda
  • Docker (100+ projects )
  • Redis (20+ project)
  • PostgeSQL (10+ projects)
  • MongoDB (5+ projects)
  • RabbitMQ
  • NATS
  • Unit testing (%50 of my projects at least have %50 coverage unit testing. I am assuming :) )



  • I am using linux-like os’s in my personal and work life since 8 years. (Manjaro, ubuntu, centos)
  • As editor, vscode (my main editor), vim (my main terminal base editor)


  • Writing code.
  • Electronics, Computer architecture, Processor architecture, ARM, x80_86 etc.
  • Personal research about networking and communication concepts
  • Making hyper casual games with Unity Engine.
  • Making wooden tools, toys and ornaments.